Friday, November 27, 2009

i wish i knew a mailman.

as i was running this morning, there was the cutest mailman delivering mail. he was walking through the freshly fallen snow with the cutest acrylic scarf and little messenger bag. its probably the hipster in my to think that an authentic us postal service bag is cool, but hey it is what it is.

mailmen must be the toughest people out there. they have to put up with some pretty crappy stuff. i mean there is the nasty dog that lives on smith street and the snow that never ceases in michigan. in fact, there's probably some people who put mean things in the mailbox just to spite them. sad.

but, here's to you, mail women and men. thanks for your work.


this year i have so much to be thankful for. maybe there isn't more to be thankful for, but perhaps i'm a little more aware. in church this morning (after a traditional breakfast of cinnamon rolls) our pastor talked about the importance of not just giving thanks in general but actually saying who you're giving thanks to. you're not married in general, but to a specific person and the same goes to being thankful.

so, dear God, I thank you for the numerous blessings in my life. your love and faithfulness. my family and friends. my warm (or semi-warm) house. my 97 year old great grandmother who still knit me bed socks. my body to run with. my mind to do school and work with. your people to share my blessings with.

Dayenu: that alone would have been enough. but for that alone we are grateful.